- 31st July 2023
Interview with the Secretary for International Affairs of JIBH, Mr. Tsutomu Ito We are pleased to announce that an interview article with Mr. Tsutomu Ito, Secretary for International Affairs (North America and Oceania) of JIBH, has been posted on the JIBH website.
In this article, Mr. Ito, who became the International Housing Association (IHA) Chairman last February, the first IHA chairman from Asian member countries, talks about his impressions after participating in the 2022 IHA Interim Meeting, the role of JIBH North America and Oceania Committee, technical exchange with the Housing Industry Association Limited of Australia (HIA), and his aspirations for the future.
You can read the article by clicking the banner "SERIES INTERVIEW With a mission of developing the building and housing industry internationally " from either the top page or the news page. Please take a look at your convenience.

- 30th June 2022
Post Event Report of WOODRISE 2021 BUSINESS SESSION As an organizer, JIBH held WOODRISE 2021 BUSINESS SESSION from May 22 to 27, 2022.WOODRISE is an international congress for the development of mid-rise and high-rise wooden buildings that attract industry stakeholders from around the world. It started out in 2017 under the initiative of France (FCBA, the French Institute of Technology for Forest-based and Furniture Sectors) and Canada (FPInnovations). The first congress was held in Bordeaux, France in 2017, the second in Quebec City, Canada in 2019, .and the third was "WOODRISE 2021 KYOTO", Japan's first WOODRISE congress in October 2021. On the other hand, we had no choice but to give up some of the events during this WOODRISE 2021 KYOTO event. To offer those events that were missed in the conference, we held the WOODRISE 2021 BUSINESS SESSION.
Under the theme of "Wooden Architecture for Sustainable Development: From Tradition to the Future," as we set in Kyoto, we had various programs to promote mid- and high-rise wooden architecture by companies and organizations. We had Thematic Presentations and focus on "economy," "environment," and "health" from a business perspective. In addition, we had B to B Meeting, Gala Dinners, and other social events to exchange views and ideas among industry participants from Japan and abroad. Moreover, we had Technical Tours and visited the traditional wooden architecture, the latest mid-rise and high-rise wooden architecture, and research institutes researching cutting-edge technologies.
With approximately 300 participants participating, the congress ended on a high note. Regarding COVID-19, things didn’t get back to normal, hence 20 participants came to Japan from France, Australia, and Norway.
We express our sincere gratitude to those who supported and cooperated with us and those who attended.
Through WOODRISE, JIBH will advance our activities to promote the spread and development of mid-rise and high-rise wooden buildings and contribute not only to the related industries but also to society.
The next WOODRISE will be held in Bordeaux, France in 2023.
From the look of the Opening Ceremony
From the look of the social event, Gala Dinner

- 25th March 2022
Interview with the Chair of the JIBH Steering Committee, Mr. Hideki Nose We'd like to announce that the article regarding an interview with the Chair of the JIBH Steering Committee, Mr. Hideki Nose, is now released on our official webpage.
In this article, Mr. Nose talks about his expectation of the WOODRISE 2021 BUSINESS SESSION in May, his perspective on the global trends toward decarbonized society, and his request on what role JIBH has to play.
You can read the article by clicking the banner "SERIES INTERVIEW On WOODRISE 2021 BUSINESS SESSION" from either the top page or the news page. Please take a look at your convenience.

- 18th October 2021
Post Event Report of WOODRISE 2021 KYOTO WOODRISE 2021 KYOTO, an international congress for the development of mid-rise and high-rise wooden buildings, was held at Kyoto International Conference Center from October 15 to 17, 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, the congress was held both on-site and on-line.
Nevertheless, roughly 500 people were participated on-site; overall, 800 people participated in WOODRISE 2021 KYOTO, including on-line participants such as speakers and moderators from overseas.
Under the theme of “Wooden Buildings for Sustainable Development From the Traditional to the Future,” 69 Speakers and Moderators from 16 countries shared the latest projects, trends, and thoughts regarding to mid-rise and high-rise wooden buildings at the plenary sessions and six different workshops. In addition, Commemorative Speech by Mr. Kengo Kuma, Special Session “The Promotion of Wooden Architecture and the SDGs,” and Special Session “The Housing Market of Asia & Oceania” were also delivered.
In connection with holding WOODRISE 2021 KYOTO, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for those who supported, cooperated, and participated.
The postponed programs of WOODRISE 2021 KYOTO, such as Welcome Lounge, Gala Dinner, B to B Meetings, and Technical Tours, will be held at the “WOODRISE 2021 BUSINESS SESSION” scheduled to be held in Tokyo, late May 2022. The purpose of the WOODRISE 2021 BUSINESS SESSION is to provide an opportunity for the exchange of opinions and interaction among many industry stakeholders from all over the world, including those who wish to attend the conference in Kyoto in October but are unable to come to Japan.
We will update more details about the WOODRISE 2021 BUSINESS SESSION on WOODRISE 2021 hompage (http://woodrise2021.jp/en/) and so forth, so please keep in touch with us.
The facade of the venue, Kyoto International Conference Center
The opening ceremony and plenary sessions were held at the main hall

- 30th August 2021
Interview with the Chair of the JIBH International Exchange Committee, Mr. Kimihiro Hashimoto We'd like to announce that the article regarding an interview with the Chair of the JIBH International Exchange Committee, Mr. Kimihiro Hashimoto, is now released on our official webpage.
By taking into account the current situation of wood construction and society in Japan, the article features a wide range of Mr. Hashimoto's thoughts on the significance of holding WOODRISE as a contribution to the industry.
You can read the article by clicking the banner "SERIES INTERVIEW On WOODRISE 2021 KYOTO" from either the top page or the news page. Please take a look at your convenience.